Friday, January 01, 2010

A word for the year

One of my favorite books from which I learn something each time I read it (which is repeatedly) is "Listening for God" by Marilyn Hontz. As 2010 approaches I am reminded of something I read in her book about which I have been praying the latter part of this year. She writes the following in her book:
"[A friend] once encouraged me to spend time asking the Lord to give me a word or phrase that he would like to work on with me throughout the year... Every September I ask the Lord for the word or phrase that he would like me to work on the following year. Several ideas usually pop into my head right away. However, after I take time to wait on him, he always clarifies the word or phrase he desires. By January 1, I have a new word for the year, and it is always specifically for me."

This resonated with me, and I have been praying in recent months for that one word for 2010. I feel God has led me to the word "humility". Pride is a huge vice in my life and takes many different forms: self-righteous justification of my agenda, inability to admit wrong-doing and/or apologize for my errors, my sense of entitlement, wanting what I want when I want it, or just plain thinking I'm better than others whether I'm willing to admit it in so many words or not. I feel God is asking me to look at what His word says about humility, to look at how Jesus Christ lived and died according to this trait, and to repent of pride, turning to live a humble life. Here's the catch: I believe satan often makes me feel prideful about those times when I operate under humility. There are so many thousands of little ways he can play out pride in my life. So I prayerfully submit to what God wants to teach me this year about humility. And who knows, you may even read updates from time to time about where this path is taking me.

Happy 2010!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Thanks so much for sharing- I often feel I can see the word he was pushing in retrospect... I wonder what it would be like to instead approach the future reflecting and focusing on a word or phrase.... powerful