Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oh where, oh where have my little plans gone?

I'm such a planner, as many of you know. I love a solid schedule, knowing what's coming, keeping organized (though some of that has definitely fallen by the wayside with three kids in the mix). Having these God-given parts to my personality has a down side. It's very difficult for me to face an unknown future, to know that all the little (or big) plans I've got in the works could mean nothing if they are not in line with what God has in mind for me. James and I are wrestling with future decisions and don't feel we have grasped God's vision for our life in these areas yet. I feel on the brink of insight but am not there, so we prayerfully continue to submit ourselves to God's will. While spending time in the Word this afternoon, I read Proverbs 3:5-6 which is a passage close to my heart as it is the one James and I selected as our "life verses", so to speak. James's dad expounded upon them at our wedding, and we had them engraved in our wedding bands (the reference, not the actual verses. That would be one big ring of gold).
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."
What comfort! To know that my job is to trust God, and it is His job to do the steering on this ship. I don't need to know what's coming, I just need to know that He is good and knows the plans He has for me! While I can still find some satisfaction in my list-making, schedule-creating, calendar filling-in, it is important for me to remember that I must submit to/acknowledge the Lord in all of these plans and trust the path He has me on.


Amy said...

It is hard to not know the future but you are on the right track with your way of thinking! Hang in there--you are being prayed for!

Jess said...

If I've learned anything over the last year it is that no matter how hard I try to push my own agenda- God is amazing at reminding me I'm not in charge..... Never in my life would I have thought I would be where I am, but I truly believe it was all led by his vision as a reminder to me of his power in my life.