Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So..did I forget, like, the second most important commandment in my blog yesterday or what? I think it's rather telling to have left off that God can work on me in a real way when I "love others as [myself]". I think that often I am very self-focused and self-centered and again, I may receive assurances that this is very normal; to be expected from a working wife and mother. I don't buy that, though. God placed people first; His relationship with us was important enough to excruciatingly experience death on a cross; damnation by default - experiencing hell on my behalf. Why should I pawn off my time for others on lame excuses?

On a TOTALLY seperate note...what is it with nostalgia, man? Oh my goodness...sometimes I will hear a song from back in the day, read an old journal entry, visit a place, and for a moment I can't even breathe, I am so transported to a different time. I wish so much sometimes that i had a time machine and could go and be an objective bystander in my own life; that i could experience things again, and yes, sometimes do things over. Specific examples? I have none at the moment. But I can tell you that nostalgia is a feeling both bitter and sweet for me. Bitter in the sense that I can never get those times back that are captured in my memory for all times; sweet in the sense that I wouldn't have it any other way. make sense? Didn't think so. :)


none said...

Jewels, were you thinking of me agian? Ooops..err..i mean..MILLIE?!?!?!!?!? :) LOL!

jewels said...

Millicent!!!! Oh, the days of cruising in you to GR (and then being stranded at a gas station shooting the breeze with the attendant), listening to "Toad", singing to Sarah, comfortable silences, loud laughter. Ah, the days. Oh Millie, my love, where art thou? :)

none said...
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