Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Today's reading reflected on the world into which Christ was born and how insignificant His birth probably was to that world in comparison to political and cultural issues that were happening. Not unlike today when the birth of our children, while a huge event to us and our extended families, makes no immediate impact on the world at large in comparison to war, recession, politics. And yet, while not acknowledged at the time, Christ's birth DID impact the world of his day and continues to impact even ours today. Enormously. Because of Christ's birth we HAVE a life, and we have an eternal future to anticipate.
This topic caused me to think about what kind of impact I am having on the world. It's unlikely that national newspapers will ever be splashing my name across the headlines (thank goodness), and residents of far-off countries (or even the majority of ours) will almost certainly never hear of me. But when God calls me home in His perfect timing, will I leave here having made an eternal difference in somebody's life? This is quickly becoming my greatest hope. I'm ashamed to admit it hasn't always been. If nothing else, I pray that my children are influenced to influence others in the name of Christ through my example. And in this way perhaps the world at large will, in the long run, be impacted by God's work through me.
I want to start thinking bigger - to eternity - and not be so temporily-minded.

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