Thursday, September 09, 2010

Own Me

I love the song playing (at least as of now) here on the ol' blog. It is truth from my own life and really sums up the prayer of my heart these days.

Own Me
Got a stack of books so I could learn how to live.
Many are left half-read, covered by the cobwebs on my shelf.
And I've got a list of laws growing longer everyday,
And if I keep plugging away, maybe one day I'll perfect myself.
Oh, but all of my labor seems to be in vain,
And all of my laws just cause me more pain.
So I fall before you in all of my shame.
Ready and willing to be changed.

Own me. Take all that I am.
And heal me with the blood of the Lamb.
Mold me with your gracious hand.
Break me 'til I'm only yours.
Own me.

Oh you call me daughter, and you take my blame.
And you run to meet me when I cry out your name.
So I fall before you in all of my shame,
Lord, I am willing to be changed.

Own me. Take all that I am.
And heal me with the blood of the Lamb.
Mold me by your gracious hand.
Break me 'til I'm only yours.
Own me.

I've come across some other prayers of surrender in recent days also that echo the cry of my heart:

Charles de Foucald, French missionary (1858-1916):
Father, I abandon myself into Your hands; do with me what You will. Whatever You may do, I thank You: I am ready for all, I accept all. Only let Your will be done in me and in all Your creatures - I wish no more than this, Lord.

Betty Scott, missionary and martyr, early-mid 1900's:
Lord, I give up my own plans and purposes, all my own desires, hopes and ambitions, and I accept Thy will for my life. I give up myself, my life, my all, utterly to Thee, to be Thine forever. I hand over to Thy keeping all of my relationships; all the people whom I love are to take second place in my heart. Fill me now and seal me with Thy Spirit. Work out Thy whole will in my life at any cost, for me to live is Christ. Amen.

It seems such a slow process, this one of surrender, because my stubborn will succumbs to the trappings of this world rather than to the Lord's perfect plan. It seems every single second needs to be given over in surrender once again. It is frustrating and painful and, ultimately, the greatest reward.

Heavenly Father, Prince of my peace, Lord of my life and my heart, I surrender all to You. Whatever valleys you lead me through or mountains we may scale, I rest in the knowledge of Your rock-solid faithfulness and love. Whatever You plan for me is better than all I could ask or imagine. I surrender to You my family, my friendships, my finances, my wants, my plans, my thoughts, my words, my soul, mind, and body. They are all Yours to be used in worship to Your glorious name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's doing it..everytime you struggle and find yourself getting frustrated to the point of exhaustion, to the point of realizing you're not able to do 'it' -- whatever 'it' reazlie that you are being broken,,..only means that everytime you recover--not in the sense of getting up and running a marathon or getting up and being able to bounce back, rather, you are in recovery, healing, feeling the pain of recovery, it means that you are being strengthened means you are being restructured -- breaking a bone in order to re set it so when the time comes to be used the way he continues to shape you, it will be so validated that you will never once question it... the firing in the kiln is painful dear but keep holding fast..his grace keeps you coming back to him even though you cry and you hate every single minute of it. It is NOT in vain because he perfects EVERYTHING, not just some , not just good enuff, not just--today i feel like whatever, oh's more than's a cmplte home makeover edition... :) thankgoodness for that huh? And even though you cannot see it all-- just know that there aer others who can and can visually understand and witness what he is doing with you even though the finished product is yet to be revealed..:) keep holding fast, everything has a season, everything has a reason as cliche as those lines are beleive me, he is creating an orchestra so that means sometimes you can't grow faster than your weakest link- that also means your husband, -- no uneven yokes..sometimes that means your kids--- you need t make sure they come up as one..there are many elements, many dynamics that are at work here-- so hold on..he will NOT forget you and your cries, nor will he forsake u... what good is it if mom makes it and everyone else is left behind? Broken? It won't matter then,.. you want everyone to be with you- standing strong :) it's coming jewels..i see the faith because he has told me. :) rueben