Wednesday, August 09, 2006

True Peace

Lord, I would be so naive to think that I have achieved permanent true peace in my life, but to what else can I attribute such calm when my dad has been through trial by motorcycle, my husband was in a car accident that should very well have taken his life, and my brother is headed off to war? I can't even begin to explain why I am not losing it emotionally (as I do normally in these situations) except to say that it is your Holy Spirit blessing me with your peace that passes all understanding. And all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you. I have seen you work so miraculously in my loved ones, bringing healing and protection, and I pray you would help me to continue clinging to you in the midst of life's storms. hubby and I were pondering the other day why it is that we wait for some great tragedy to happen before we tell the people so dear to us in our life what they truly mean to us. Why is it that we don't just reach out and express to those around us how they have touched our lives? Why must we reach pivotal moments of good-bye before we feel compelled to open ourselves up? For my smallll audience reading this :) I hope that you truly know the ways in which you have touched my life. I don't think that each of you does. But I am embarking on a new "project", wherein the goal is to NOT wait until a crucial, terrible moment before you know how my life is enriched by knowing you. Hmmm..stay tuned for that. ;)

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