Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Well, it's official. Pastor and K are gone from our least from the everyday life of our church, hopefully not from the rest of my life. However, I'm not experiencing a feeling of letdown or anger like I thought I would. I have a renewed sense of hope. Hope for P and K since they have received this fresh start for themselves and their families and are looking forward to that. Hope for our congregation because we have the opportunity to work through some issues with professional guidance and hopefully move forward with a new sense of purpose and unity. The next year is filled with limitless possibilities and I just have to believe that God's positive will outweigh our human negative. Praise God for always bringing hope in the midst of bleak situations. starts in a week and a half. It's totally surreal. I can't even wrap my brain around the fact that I will soon be a full time working mom. A teeny tiny part of me, deep down, still sometimes says "What the heck are you doing??". But most of me is SO excited for the chance I have to be a part of my school's community again, and to have the opportunity that I do to influence the kids who walk into my life, to genuinely care for and instruct them. But if I'm being honest I also have a sense of sadness that my life will be so different than it's been the past year with all the time I've had to spend with my son. My life will be so different from that of SO many of my friends. But I guess if I look at the glass half full, my life will also be more like others of my friends, and at least I have people to lean on who know what this world is like. And let's face it, having my entire summer off next year? Awesome. The breaks that come at Christmas and spring break and all the ones in between? Fabulous. The extra money coming in and insurance? Priceless. So all in all, when I look at all of the above paragraph, I am truly blessed to have been given the job that I have. And I think that this time around I won't look at it as a job, but more as a calling that God has blessed me with.

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